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成果简称 煤及共伴生资源安全精准开采
序号 论文题目 作者 刊物/会议名称 发表 时间
1 Scientific problem and countermeasure for precision mining of coal and associated resources 袁 亮 煤炭学报 201901
2 Investigations into Mining-Induced Stress-Fracture-Seepage Field Coupling Effect Considering the Response of Key Stratum and Composite Aquifer 张 通 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 201910
3 Performance enhancement of horizontal underground-to-inseam gas drainage boreholes with double-phase-grouting sealing method for coal mining safety and clean gas resource 郑春山 Journal of Natural Gas Science and Eng
4 Characteristic of gas/water distribution in steeply inclined lowpermeability coal seam induced by hydraulic fracture 马衍坤 采矿与安全工程学报 201611
5 Intensive permeability enhancement experiment through hydraulic fracturing by way of water-sand-water in kilometer deep well with high gas seam 马海峰 煤炭学报 201707
5 Instability mechanism of high stress rock mass under excavation and unloading induced by disturbance 赵光明 煤炭学报 202003
7 Modeling of Multiphysical–Chemical Coupling for Coordinated Mining of Coal and Uranium in a Complex Hydrogeological Environment 张 通 Natural Resources Research 202001
8 Evolution of overburden mining-induced fractured zone and pressure-relief gas drainage in soft rock protective seam 程 详 采矿与安全工程学报 202005
成果简称 煤矿动力灾害防控关键技术
序号 论文题目 第一
刊物/会议名称 发表 时间
1 Research progress of precise risk accurate identification and monitoring early warning on typicaldynamic disasters in coal mine 袁 亮 煤炭学报 201802
2 On classification conception of coal and gas outburst mechanism and its application 高 魁 采矿与安全工程学报 201909
3 Experimental determination of the outburst threshold value of energy strength in coal mines for mining safety 薛 生 Process Safety and Environmental Prote
4 The use of coal cuttings from underground boreholes to determine gas content of coal with direct desorption method 薛 生 International Journal of Coal Geology 201704
5 不同装药模式爆破载荷作用下煤层裂隙扩展特征试验研究 刘 健 岩石力学与工程学报 201604
6 Damage mechanism of coal under impact loads 穆朝民 煤炭学报 201708
7 Simulation and experimental rese
arch on upward cross-seams hydrau
lic fracturing in deep and low-pe
rmeability coal seam
蔡 峰 煤炭学报 201601
8 Tests for damage and failure cha
racteristics of coal thickness va
riation area under blasting load
朱飞昊、刘泽功 振动与冲击 201902
成果简称 煤自燃防控与防灭火材料
序号 论文题目 第一
刊物/会议名称 发表 时间
1 Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Loose Coal Based on Multi-dimensional Constant Temperature Boundary Unsteady Heat Transfer Model 秦汝祥 International Journal of Thermophysics 201909
2 Comprehensive risk evaluation ofcoal spontaneous combustion in goafs based on systems-theoretic a
ccident model and processes
周 亮 Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 202001
3 Low-temperature oxidation characteristics of bituminous coal with different gas contents: a case study 周 亮 ENERGY SOURCES PART A-RECOVERY UTILIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 201907
4 区段煤柱渗透性分析与防火效应研究 秦汝祥 采矿与安全工程学报 201805
5 Characteristics of Foamed Gel for Coal Spontaneous Combustion Prevention and Control 张雷林 Combustion Science and Technology 201706
6 Fabrication of environmentally-benign flame retardant cotton fabrics with hydrophobicity by a facile chemical modification 聂士斌 Cellulose 201905
7 Fire hazard suppression of intumescent flame retardant polypropylene based on a novel Ni-containing char-forming agent 董 翔 Polymers forAdvanced Technologies 201903
8 Effect of a flower-like nickel phyllosilicate-containing iron on
the thermal stability and flame retardancy of epoxy resin
聂士斌 Journal of Materials Research and Tech
9 Risk Analysis of Gob Coal Spontaneous Combustion in Methane-Rich,Combustion-Prone Coal Seam Based
on Intuitionistic Fuzzy DEMATEL
成果简称 矿山控制爆破理论与技术
1 定向聚能爆破弱化综掘工作面逆断层应用研究 高魁 岩石力学与工程学报 201904
2 动静耦合作用下无煤柱切顶留巷顶板成缝与稳定机理 华心祝 煤炭学报 202009
3 Effects of blast disturbing soft coal seam on stability of roadway surrounding rock 高 魁 振动与冲击 201808

耐热型铵油炸药的制备及性能 刘 伟 火炸药学报 202004
4 Experimental study on rock damage of roadway excavation by cumulative blasting in structural coal 朱飞昊 、刘泽功 岩石力学与工程学报 201809
5 Thermal behavior and stability of emulsion explosives in the presence of ferrous ion 谢兴华 JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYS
7 Effect of aluminum content and particle size on the power of emulsion explosives 钱海 、吴红波 火炸药学报 201702
8 Effect of Sensitizing Methods on the Detonation Performances of MgH2-based Hydrogen Storage Emulsion Explosives 程扬帆 含能材料 201702
成果简称 煤矿粉尘防控及职业安全健康
序号 论文题目 第一
刊物/会议名称 发表 时间
1 Scientific conception of coal mine dust control and occupational safety 袁 亮 煤炭学报 202001
2 Synergistic effect of surfactant compounding on improving dust suppression in a coal mine in Erdos, China 王晓楠、袁树杰 POWDER TECHNOLOGY 201902
3 Effect of water-fog particle size on dust fall efficiency of mechanized excavation face in coal mines 房雪明、袁亮 JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 202005
4 Study on the Wettability of a Composite Solution Based on Surface Structures of Coal 江丙友 ACS Omega 202001
5 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 signaling-induced decreases in IRX4 inhibits NANOG-mediated cancer stem-like properties and gefitinib resistance in NSCLC cells 贾志荣、胡东 Cell Death and Disease 202008
6 The association of telomere attrition with first-onset stroke in Southern Chinese: a case-control study and meta-analysis 李静 、张梅 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 201802
7 Identification of Key Genes in Lung Adenocarcinoma and Establishment of Prognostic Mode 周家伟、胡东 Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 202010
成果简称 公共安全与应急管理
序号 论文题目 第一
刊物/会议名称 发表 时间
1 煤矿典型动力灾害风险判识及监控预警技术研究进展 袁 亮 煤炭学报 202005
2 Morphological Characteristics of Overlying Soil Eroded by Leakage Gas from Buried Pipelines 赵敖寒 Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 202109
3 Fuzzy fault tree analysis for gas explosion of coal mining and heading faces in underground coal mines 施书磊 ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 201808
4 A Systematic Review of China's Food Safety Management since Reform and Opening Up
杨 力 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 201902
5 当代煤矿工人安全心理结构测量与评价 杨 力 系统工程 201903