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2024年09月03日 09:41  点击:[]








1.澳大利亚煤炭行业研究项目(主要负责人),用于自燃和爆炸风险管理的采空区钻孔气体指标评估,ACARP C29017,Appraisal of Gas Indicators from Goaf Gas Drainage Holes for Spontaneous Combustion and Explosion Risk Management,2020.07~2022.02,澳币$120,000,约人民币60万;

2.澳大利亚煤炭行业研究项目(主要负责人),用于自燃和爆炸风险管理的采空区钻孔气体指标评估-第二阶段,ACARP C34011,Appraisal of Gas Indicators from Goaf Gas Drainage Holes for Spontaneous Combustion and Explosion Risk Management-Stage 2,2022.04~2024.07,澳币$220,000,约人民币105万;

3.澳大利亚研究委员会衍生项目(参与),最大限度地利用采空区气体排放以实现安全开采和减能减排,ARC LP200301404,Maximise Goaf Gas Drainage for Safe Coal Extraction and Emissions Reduction,2022.09~2025.08,澳币$300,000,约人民币150万。


1.Wang, Y., Si, G., Belle, B., Webb, D., Zhao, L., Oh, J., 2024. Impact of Goaf Gas Drainage from Surface Vertical Boreholes on Goaf Explosive Gas Zones. International Journal of Coal Geology, 284, 104461.

2.Wang, Y., Si, G., Oh, J., Belle, B., 2023. CFDModelling ofLongwallGoafAtmosphere underVerticalBoreholesGasDrainage.International Journal of Coal Geology,280, 104400.

3.Wang, Y., Si, G., Oh, J., 2023. Coupled Geomechanical CFD Modelling of Goaf Under Goaf Gas Drainage: Impact of Goaf Characteristics. In: 15th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics. Salzburg, Austria.

4.Wang, Y., Si, G., Xiang, Z., Oh, J., Belle, B., Webb, D., 2022. A Theoretical Goaf Resistance Model based on Gas Production Analysis in Goaf Gas Drainage. International Journal of Coal Geology, 264, 104140.

5. Xiang, Z., Si, G.,Wang, Y., Belle, B., Webb, D., 2021. Goaf Gas Drainage and its Impact on Coal Oxidation Behaviour: A Conceptual Model. International Journal of Coal Geology, 248, 103878.

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